
Aaron Patton

Purdue University

Dr. Aaron Patton is a Professor in the Horticulture & Landscape Architecture department at Purdue University. He is Indiana’s Turfgrass Extension specialist and he has an active research program covers topics ranging from weed ecology and control, low-input grasses, and agronomic practices in turfgrass systems. He teaches the senior level turfgrass science course at Purdue University. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Midwest Regional Turf Foundation.

My Sessions

Weed Control in Naturalized Areas

Room 134-135

Mike Dunk MRTF Chip-In Program Update

Room 134-135

Welcome and Purdue Turf Program Update

Room 136-137

Tall Fescue Ban in Bloomington: Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater

Room 136-137

Managing Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua) in Sports Fields

Room 145

Workshop C: Green Industry Math: Making the Complicated Seem Simple

Room 143

Practical math calculations are essential for any manager for planning, purchasing, and applyinganythingto turf. Though few of us like math, these instructors make it educational as well asenjoyable! This workshop covers area calculations, fertilizer and pesticide calculations,calibration, and purchasing decisions. Attendees will receive a comprehensive packet with how-to-instructions for all the content covered and more.
