
Lee Miller

University of Missouri

Dr. Lee Miller is an assistant professor of turfgrass pathology in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University. Lee’s current responsibilities include providing disease diagnosis and control recommendations for the turfgrass industries in Indiana and the surrounding region. Lee has conducted research on fungicide resistance in dollar spot, fairy ring on putting greens, large patch and spring dead spot control, and nematode population dynamics on putting greens.

My Sessions

What Do You Get When the Fungicide Gets Wet?

Room 134-135

Tales From the Lab: Disease Diagnosis from the Home Lawn

Room 136-137

Workshop G: The Short and Tall of Disease Diagnosis. From Ground Level to the Tree Tops

Room 142

Diagnosis of turfgrass, ornamental and tree problems are difficult endeavors that involve not only assessment of the host-pathogen relationship but may often also require some detective work with the client. This workshop will detail the sample submissions to the Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab over the last few years for both the shortest and […]
