
Jeremiah Sinks

Purdue University

Senior Services Manager, Leadership Development

Purdue University Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)

Email:  jsinks@purdue.edu



Jeremiah delivers leadership training and consulting services for Purdue MEP, specializing in employee attraction, retention strategies, and leadership development. He also conducts continuous improvement and safety training at manufacturing facilities across Indiana and frequently serves as a keynote speaker at various industry conferences.

Jeremiah has experience in the automotive, mining, and construction industries. He has written two books: ‘The Field Does Not Come to the Farmer: Leading Gen Y and Z‘ and ‘The Field Does Not Come to the Farmer: Great Management Leadership

My Sessions

Workshop G: Becoming a Leader

Room 102

Effective leadership is a key component to organizational success. But what does it mean to lead effectively? In this workshop, you’ll learn the keys to effective leadership and assess your own leadership strengths and weaknesses. This workshop is designed for those who want to develop or improve their leadership knowledge and skills. In this workshop […]
