Purdue University
Bio: John has worked as an Assistant Diagnostician at the University of Florida during his graduate studies in the Doctor of Plant Medicine program. In 2017, He moved to Missouri and held the position of Plant Health Specialist, working as a plant diagnostician at the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Regulatory Plant Pathology Lab. In 2019, John moved to Indiana and accepted the position of Plant Disease Diagnostician at Purdue University’s Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab, where he works with growers, consultants, researchers, and homeowners to diagnose plant problems and provide appropriate management recommendations for the issues they are facing.
Email: jbonkows@purdue.edu
Website: https://ag.purdue.edu/department/btny/ppdl/index.html
Vascular streak dieback (VSD) is a syndrome affecting a growing number of woody plant species being grown in nurseries in Southern and Eastern US. Information will be provided concerning how the issue was first found, symptoms associated with VSD, where it has been found in the US.
Boxwoods were hit hard this year with a number of different issues. We will be discussing all of the issues that are normally affecting boxwoods in the nursery and landscape including diseases, insects, and environmental stressors.
Diagnosis of turfgrass, ornamental and tree problems are difficult endeavors that involve not only assessment of the host-pathogen relationship but may often also require some detective work with the client. This workshop will detail the sample submissions to the Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab over the last few years for both the shortest and […]