Tree Care

Prerecorded Educational Presentations

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Tree Care Presentations

Identifying, Treating, and Planting a Tree with Root Defects
Speaker: Kyle Daniel, Purdue University
CCH = 2:0.5, 3a:0.5, RT:0.5


Sustainable Urban Forests and Climate Change; What Can We Do?
Speaker: Lindsey Purcell, Purdue University
CCH = 2:0.5, 3a:0.5, RT:0.5


Diseases of Trees in the Midwest
Speaker: John Bonkowski, Purdue University
CCH = 2:0.5, 3a:0.5, RT:0.5


Create Tree Resiliency by Improving Soil Biology with Biochar
Speakers: Mark and Laurie Mann, Plant Growth Management Systems




Presentations accessable to Indiana Green Expo registrants from Janaury 18–February 4, 2021.
Indiana Green Expo registrants will be notified how to access each presentation prior to January 18, 2021.

Each presentation is 30 minutes long. Total CCHs for Tree Care session = 2:1.5, 3a:1.5, RT:1.5





Conference Sponsor