
Lee Miller

University of Missouri

Dr. Lee Miller is an assistant professor of turfgrass pathology in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University. Lee’s current responsibilities include providing disease diagnosis and control recommendations for the turfgrass industries in Indiana and the surrounding region. Lee has conducted research on fungicide resistance in dollar spot, fairy ring on putting greens, large patch and spring dead spot control, and nematode population dynamics on putting greens.

My Sessions

Diagnosing Lawn Problems Often Requires Some Digging

Room 107-108

Tales from the Diagnostic Lab: A Small Window into a Smaller World

Room 109-110

Workshop H-Soilborne Diseases: What They Are and Why They’re So Difficult to Control

Room 117

Soilborne turfgrass diseases are particularly difficult to diagnose and manage because the pathogens subversively infect and damage roots well before plant symptoms arise.  This seminar will describe the soil environment in correlation with the biology and epidemiology of the pathosystem of soilborne diseases infecting cool-season turfgrasses. The course will also explain the crucial aspects of […]
